Monday 17 October 2016

Term 4 Overview

Welcome to Term Four! Stage One is looking forward to a fun and successful term of learning. This term there will be swimming school for Year 2 students, a community Christmas Carols night and Presentation Day for our stage. More information about this will be in the newsletter which can be accessed via Skoolbag or the school website.

Here is an overview of the subject areas and content for this term:


Students are taught a balanced Literacy program which focuses on:

  • Speaking and Listening- daily news, class discussions, answering questions on texts to build comprehension skills, questioning based on using Edward De Bono’s Thinking Hats as a method of critical thinking.
  • Reading and Viewing- guided reading activities, big books and multi modal texts such as e-books, websites, blogs, using QR codes and comprehension activities based on texts.
  • Writing and Representing- modelled, guided and shared writing based on the Diversity Literature unit for Year 1 and a unit on Persuasive texts for Year 2. Students will be analysing high quality texts such as ‘Window’, ‘Whoever You Are’  and ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’. Writing lessons for Year 1 will focus on texts that entertain such as narratives, texts that inform such as procedures and descriptions and for Year 2, texts that persuade such as expositions. Handwriting lessons will continue to focus on making sure letters are a consistent size, shape and slope.
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary­ Students will be revising nouns, verbs and adjectives and checking their writing for correct punctuation usage.  Year 1 students will be learning about how to use similes when writing. Year 2 students will be learning how to use speech marks and persuasive verbs and adverbs when writing.
  • Spelling- includes phonological, visual, morphemic and etymological words with grammar and writing activities related to specifically treated words.


      Numeracy lessons involve ‘hands on’ activities, group work, problem solving, maths drills and mixed mentals questions and written work in the Targeting Maths text book.

      This term, Year 1 will be focusing on:
      Addition and subtraction, place value, multiplication and division, 3D objects, time, volume and capacity, mass and chance and data.
      This term, Year 2 will be focusing on:
      Addition and subtraction, place value (2 and 3 digit numbers), number patterns and algebra, division, 3D objects, mass and chance and data.

      Our History Unit is called ‘The Past In The Present.’ Students will be learning about heritage sites in Newcastle such as Fort Scratchley. Students will also be looking closely at the new court house in Newcastle and how technology has influenced its design. Students will think critically about why we should preserve heritage sites.

    Sport/P.E and Health
    Each Friday, students will be participating in sport activities. Year 2 students will be participating in the Swim School Program. Year 1 students will continue their dance lessons. Students will continue to consolidate the fundamental movement skills in P.E lessons throughout the week.  

    The P.D/ Health program for this term is road safety and awareness.


    Information Technology
    Students will be using a range of educational software websites to enhance learning such as Jolly Phonics, SpellingCity, Galaxy Kids and Study ladder. Students will be using iPad apps to reinforce and consolidate skills. Students will be learning how to publish documents using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. During Library and History lessons, students will be learning how to use the Internet safely and as an effective research tool.

    Creative Arts
    Students will be participating in visual art lessons and drama activities linked to all areas of learning. Each week students participate in community singing as part of the K-2 assembly.

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