
We write using NSW Foundation Font.

We love writing and sharing our writing with others.

Within the NSW Curriculum we focus on teaching and learning to write texts to entertain others, texts to persuade others or texts to inform others.

Here are some ideas on ways to practise your writing

We work towards specific writing goals and progress through different skills as our writing increases in complexity. 
Here are our writing goals that are related to the NSW Literacy Continuum.

We are learning to...
* plan before writing
* write 1 or more sentences
* sometimes use capital letters
* sometimes use full stops
* use joining words
* use pronouns
* read my writing
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words on List 1
                                               * write the first sounds I hear
We are learning to...
* plan before writing
* write 4 or 5 sentences
* mostly use capital letters correctly
* mostly use full stops correctly
* write simple and compound sentences
* use different adjectives
* use different verbs
* use different pronouns and nouns
* read my writing
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words on List 1 and 2
* write the first and last sounds I hear
We are learning to...
 * plan before writing
* write 6 or more sentences
* mostly use capital letters and full stops
* use commas
* use question and exclamation marks
* use compound sentences
* use different adjectives and verbs
* sequence my ideas in order
* read my writing
* check my writing makes sense (tense)
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words List 1, 2 and 3.
* write the first, last and middle sounds
We are learning to...
 * plan with labels before writing
* write 8 or more sentences
* use capital letters and full stops
* use contraction apostrophes eg. I’m
* use capitals for proper nouns (no SnEaky capitals)
* use different adjectives and verbs
* use language features eg. alliteration and similes
* sequence my ideas in order
* use sequencing words eg. after that
* spell essential words on List 1, 2, 3 and 4.
* use spelling rules eg. es, ed, er, ing
* check my writing makes sense (tense)

* reread and edit my writing

We are learning to...
 * plan with labels or brainstorms before writing
* write one or more pages
* use quotation marks for direct speech
* use commas in lists
* write sentences that make sense
* use key words in writing
* use a variety of adjectives and verbs
* use language features eg. metaphor
* use a variety of sentence starters
* spell unfamiliar words
* use the editing checklist and show changes in my writing

* proofread and makes changes

We are learning to...
* plan including labels or  questions or mind map or organiser before writing
* write more than one page
* use words for a specific purpose (Why? To entertain or inform or persuade)
* use interesting words for a specific audience
* use a variety of spelling strategies to spell essential words correctly in Lists 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
* proofread by rereading while and after writing to check for spelling, clear order, making sense and purpose (Why? To entertain or inform or persuade)
* choose a variety of verbs and adverbs to show ideas and details
* choose a variety of adjectives and nouns to show ideas and details
* use a variety of language features eg. alliteration, similes and metaphor

* use the editing checklist and show changes in my writing

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