Thursday 20 July 2017

Welcome to Term 3.

Stage One Term 3 Overview

Welcome back to our families and students as we begin Term 3. We are looking forward to a fantastic term of learning. 

In week 2, the students will begin our Life Skills program. The cost is $36 per child. Information was made available in the school newsletter last term with a permission note sent home to families. 

Numeracy-This term, mathematics lessons will focus on; addition and subtraction, data, fractions, 2D shapes. area, mass and length. Students will participate in group work, ‘hands on’ activities and written work in their Targeting Maths text book.
Literacy-This term we will focus on Connotations, Imagery and Symbol as part of our English Textual Concepts. Please continue to encourage your child to read and keep a reading log. Reading should continue to be a focus for your child. Books read from school or home can be added to the reading log. Remember reading should be an enjoyable experience. You may like to read to your child, have them read to you, “buddy read” and take turns to read.

This term as part of our History unit of work we will be looking at Families Past and Present. In addition, students in Stage 1 will be asked to participate in ‘directed news’. It is hoped students engage with family members, ask questions and share experiences with their class during news sessions. The directed news timetable is below:

News Topic
                                                                 1 and 2
Free Choice
31st July to 4th Aug
Bring in a baby photograph and talk about your own history. Discuss when and where you were born and describe your family. The photo may also be on a USB.
Free Choice
14th Aug to 18th Aug
As part of our history unit, each student will be required to bring in an artefact that relates to them or a member of their family.
Describe the artefact that you have bought in for the ‘class museum display’. What can we learn about you from this artefact?
Free Choice
28th Aug to 1st Sep
Bring in a favourite picture book that is special to you. Describe the book and talk about why you have chosen this book to share with the class.
Free Choice
11th Sep to 15th Sep
Ask your parent/carer about a game that they played when they were young.  Describe the game to the class.
Free Choice

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