Thursday, 29 March 2018


Stage One had a fantastic day on Tuesday at Glendale participating in the annual athletics carnival. Students showed their sprinting skills when doing the 100 metre run. They also had fun doing the novelty events of tunnel ball, 'tug of war', sack races, egg and spoon race, the parachute and vortex!
The parents joined in at the end of the day in the 'tug of war' which was between Yr 1 and Yr 2 parents- it was quite a competition!

Friday, 23 March 2018


At Belair Public School- we celebrate cultural diversity!
Harmony Day was a huge success in Stage One.  Students wore orange the colour of Harmony Day and other students looked amazing in their national costumes.
We were fortunate to have guest speakers visit classrooms to discuss their cultural backgrounds.

Severine Dayas (Hugo’s mum) visited 2B and 2L and talked to students about France. Everyone was highly engaged and loved learning the French language and had plenty of questions!

Sophie Li (Sundae’s mum) had 1/2 M and 2C highly interested when she presented her talk on China. Students learnt about where China is in the world, its food and culture and some Mandarin words.

Muaaz A from 3/4 J visited the Year 1 classes. He did an outstanding job teaching students about Pakistan and the Urdu language. Students listened to ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ in Urdu and learnt how to write hello in the Urdu script.

Check out the hall which features  hand artworks by all students which feature symbols of student's cultural heritage!

A huge thankyou to all our guest speakers for volunteering their time- it was a meaningful learning experience for all.