Monday, 29 May 2017

Creative Learners at Belair!

Stage One Students began our Creative Learners' groups last Friday. The students are learning an activity such as music/percussion, mosaics, dance, science experiments, jewellery making and recorder.  Stage One students were very excited to be participating in such creative and engaging activities. We are so lucky to have parents and helpers share their skill and expertise in these areas. This is a wonderful example of collaborating with our Belair Community. Thankyou to all those involved in this fantastic program.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Welcome To Term 2.

Stage One is ready for a fantastic term of learning. It is wonderful to see the students so refreshed after their holiday. The Stage One teachers are very impressed with how students are working hard towards achieving their learning goals.
This term students will be participating in:
  • Creative Learners at Belair (Week 5)
  • Public Speaking (Week 5- Monday 22nd-Friday 26th May)
  • Healthy Harold Excursion (Life Education)
Notes and information will be going out for these events closer to the time.

Here is a brief overview of what students are learning in the Subject Areas:

This term Stage One will be focussing on Authority and Argument in English. Year 2 students will be writing persuasive texts. Year 1 students will continue to write recounts and descriptive sentences. Year 1 will also learn how to write a procedure.

Students will be taught specific grammar lessons focusing on nouns, verbs and adjectives. The Year 2 spelling lists for this term are on the spelling page of the blog.


Year 2 students will be focussing on fractions and using ½ notations, volume and capacity, 2 and 3 digit numbers and calendar months.
Year 1 students will be focussing on place value, addition and subtraction, fractions and time.
All students will participate in ‘hands on maths’ activities and real life problem solving to increase their understanding of applying maths to different scenarios.

Science and Technology

Students will be taught a unit called ‘Spot the Difference’ where they will be considering the ways materials can physically change into liquids, solids and gases. They will observe and record the changes that occur when different foods are heated and cooled.

P.D.H.P.E (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education)

Students will be visiting Healthy Harold (Life Education) this term and will learn about healthy living and lifestyle choices. Our Personal Development lessons will link with this excursion. Sport activities will focus on the skills necessary to play soccer, cricket and T ball. Physical Education lessons will continue to consolidate the fundamental movement skills.

Semester One Reports will be sent to families in Week 10, Term 2. Should families have any concerns, please make a mutually suitable time to see your child’s teacher.

 We are looking forward to a busy and productive term.

Marking Rubric for Public Speaking

Students will be presenting their speeches in Week 5 (Monday 22nd May to Friday 26th May.) Stage One teachers use the following marking guide to assess the students. This is an excellent guide to help you prepare your child for their speech presentation.                                    

Cluster 4 or below
Cluster 5
Cluster 6
Cluster 7
Cluster 8
Cluster 9+
0 – 5 marks
5 – 10 marks
10-13 marks
13 – 16 marks
16-19 marks
20 marks
Delivers a brief speech to the familiar people
Delivers a brief speech to the familiar people
Delivers a speech to the class
Plans and delivers a speech to the class (approx. 2mins)
Plans and delivers effective extended oral presentations (2min-2.5mins)
Plans and delivers effective extended oral presentations (2min-2.5mins)
Palm Cards
Palm cards may or may not be correct size. Simply reads from palm cards.
Palm cards may be correct size. May begin to look up at audience from palm cards.
Palm cards are the correct size. Begins to look up at audience from palm cards
Palm cards are the correct size. Regularly looks up at audience from palm cards
Uses palm cards correctly (correct size, used as a reference only)
Uses palm cards correctly and effectively (used as a prompt only and correct size)
Sequencing , Introduction & Conclusion)
Speech may or may not have clear sequencing
Speech has correct sequencing. Events are recounted in order.
Prepares a speech that has a clear introduction
Prepares a speech that has a clear introduction
Prepares a speech with the correct structure (good introduction and conclusion evident)
Prepares a speech with the correct structure (engaging introduction and conclusion are evident)
Language Usage
Mostly stays on topic
Stays on topic throughout
Stays on topic that is appropriate to audience
Stays on topic that is appropriate to audience
Language and topic is appropriate to audience
Language and topic is appropriate to audience
Volume is audible by small group
Volume is audible by small group
Volume is audible by whole class
Volume is easily audible a whole class
Volume is easily audible a whole class
Volume is easily audible a small crowd
Very little change of expression at this stage.
Begins to change tone and vocal register for different parts of the speech
Begins to change tone and vocal register for different parts of the speech
Evidence of increasing expression
Speech presented expressively (change in emphasis, interesting to listen to)
Speech presented expressively (change in emphasis, interesting to listen to, rise and fall in voice)
Eye contact & Stance
Little or no eye contact and stance is not steady
Some eye contact and stance is steady
Some eye contact and stance is steady
Employs eye contact and stance is steady
Employs good eye contact and stance is steady
Employs effective eye contact and stance is steady
(pacing and clear voice)
Articulates most speech sounds and words, pacing may be uneven
Articulates most words and sentences clearly
Articulates most sentences clearly
Articulates most sentences clearly, even pacing for most of speech
Spoken voice is clear and pacing is appropriate (not too fast, all words can be understood)
Spoken voice is clear and pacing is appropriate (not too fast, all words can be easily understood)